The Hippocrates Prize
The Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine was founded in 2009 by Professors Donald Singer and Michael Hulse. The founders aimed to...
The Hippocrates Prize
John Allison 1950-2024
The Margaret Mahy Medal
With the PM
Frog Prince makes NZ Booklovers 2023 Awards Shortlist
Event to Celebrate the Prime Minister's Award
Launch of Letter to 'Oumuamua
Room to Write
Wonderful Surprise!
The Crate: Notable Books 2022
Launch of The Crate
Mallory in Russian!
Bonus Episode of The Author's Tale
Can Christchurch plant its way out of climate change?
Eight Poets versus Climate Change
Letter to 'Oumuamua
Shadow Play to be an audio book
The fifth and final episode of The Author's Tale
Part Four of Author's Tale